Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Et tu my Lord

You are the one that made me,
and thy creator is me.
You are the one I look up to,
and I look unto myself.

You are but my creation,
for you made me in your image.
You are but divination,
and sacrilege; but your initiation.

I am a mortal,
I have to pay your price
for the sins I do or don't

But think of it lord,
you must pay too;
it was I who made you

You pay your debt
every single moment
to your children, us men.

as we are your fathers
like one as many
so u shall pay, Amen.

My lord how can you be beyond,
how can you lie above your own rules?
You sin, you pay, as the rules you say,
were our declaration, the damnation of fools.

Face it O' almighty,
you burn in hell,
sure as itself, you do..
because the greatest creation
of your beloved children,
is nothing lord, but you.

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